Stadium on Fire

Do you have plans for May 24 and 25, 2014? If not, then I’m inviting you out. ¡Ven conmigo! Come with me to the IAAF World Relays 2014, in Nassau, Bahamas. The Thomas A. Robinson Stadium, located in Oakes Field, will be on fire, and all vibes a go tun up till it  buck. For all of my non- patois speaking amigos, that simply means, the level of excitement in the stadium will reach maximum heights, as more than 40 teams vie for athletic dominance on the relay stage.

At the risk of offending 99.9% of the non- Jamaican population that is reading this post, I have to say I hope Jamaica mash it up and make a clean sweep of every event. Wishful thinking? Maybe, but ambition has never killed anyone. My (very unnecessary) warning to the other teams however, is don’t be caught sleeping on the track. The Bahamian athletes make for formidable opponents, and I am sure they have no plans to simply hand victory to the other countries on a conch-shell-decorated platter. In fact, I have to be honest in saying that since I have been in the Bahamas, I have (grudgingly?) come to realize and accept that the athletes of the 242 don’t joke around!

Whichever team you choose to support, I’m sure you will be treated to a wonderful show in which athletic prowess will be the main course, while music, food and laughter will be served up as tasty side dishes, all under the open, sunny skies of the beautiful Bahamas. If Dios allows, I know where I will be on May 24 and 25. Be sure to drop by and say hola. I will be the crazy Yaadie in the black, green and yellow t-shirt knocking two pot covers together! Nos vemos,eh?- see you there.

And you?  Where do you plan to be as this two day spectacle unfolds? Whether you plan to watch from the stadium or not, let me know, which athletes/ teams do you want to see most? Which team are you rooting for, and most importantly, which team do you think will prove dominant? Share your thoughts in the box below, right after you press the like button. ¡Chao!

8 responses to “Stadium on Fire

  1. Hola Chica – Jamaicana!
    The IAAF World Relays promises to be a fantastic event! We are so privileged to have the opportunity to attend – and that we will!
    Caution! The Jamaicans – Jamaicanos, will seize the opportunity to cheer for both Les Bahamiens and Les Jamaicains. The talents to be displayed by these youth will be absolutely spectacular and the flame from the inferno will linger long beyond May 2014.
    Technological advancement has afforded everyone the privilege of tuning in. It’s a not-to-be-missed event!
    A bientot!


    • Oh most definitely Maria. I’m getting excited just thinking about those two days! I hope you make it to the stadium in person. Thanks for commenting.


  2. Well well well… i will admit quite frankly, and not in any way grudgingly that the Jamaican athletes will mash up the stadium and eat up those races. My cheers will be for the underdogs in every event…lol. Hey someone will have to cheer for them (Suriname, Guyana…) Actually I don’t know that those two countries are sending teams. Nevertheless, I am also going to be rooting for my 242 brethren- the St. Anne’s team. You know my boys made it. That is not to say I won’t cheer with you and share in your happiness when you bang on those pot covers. i will even join in with a “boom” as you sing your national anthem after every race…
    see you there.


    • I guess somebody will have to cheer for the people who are not too athletically inclined, Alicia 🙂 That might be quite a task but hey, as long as you’re up to it. Good luck to the Guyanese team. I’m not really sure about their skills on the track but as long as you guys run as well as you play cricket then you should be ok!


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